Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Comet Falls Trail Section Closed Temporarily Due to Hazardous Trail Condition

Superintendent Randy King has announced that the Comet Falls Trail has been temporarily closed to public use 1 mile beyond the trailhead, due to an extremely hazardous condition on the trail.  A  substantial washout, approximately 10 ft. across and 30 ft. deep, made worse with the recent rains over the past several weeks, has created unstable conditions which has undermined the trail approximately 1 mile in from the trailhead.  Snow and ice in the area of the washout adds to the hazard, especially if a
hiker were to attempt to walk around the washout.  It should also be noted that snow and ice conditions all along the trail are hazardous to travel even before getting to the washout area.  Next week, it is anticipated that the park trail crew will access this area to begin building a safe route around the washout.  Public notice will be given when the trail is again open for hiking.

Hikers in Mount Rainier should be aware that late snow and ice from the winter still persists on trails at the park’s higher elevations.  Hikers need to use caution and good judgment as steep slopes covered with snow and ice will be very slippery or unstable, and streams and rivers are running fast and high as runoff is occurring at its maximum levels.  Also, as the winter snow melts back, trail damage, washed out bridges, or other unknown hazards may be uncovered before park crews can repair them.

Trail conditions are continuously being updated on the park’s website at: