Brad Klein (aka SkiPig) is the mastermind behind the gallery renovation and the one who convinced me pick up a hammer again. He is the one who made me realize that all of this was possible....
Brad is the ultimate socialite and networker. In the past month he has found free scaffolding, and a friend with an acetylene torch. The scaffolding has been scabbed together and works great. The torch arrived with an operator who works for beer. Somehow things come together at just the right moment. Not very fast, but progress nonetheless. Just about right for an out-of-pocket project. Dennis (he likes Sierra Nevada Pale Ale) started cutting this morning and put in a couple of hours before running out of O2. Hopefully we'll be able to finish up the boiler removal next weekend...
Here are some pictures of his handiwork...

It's OK, his mustache will protect him from the sparks!

We also just received the request from Mayor Jim Gerwig and the City of Morton for our portion of the match portion of a sidewalk grant. A grant which will redo 60 feet of sidewalk along the south side of the building. That project should occur next summer if everything falls into place.