Digital Process and Print Workshops
A solid foundation is crucial to build anything of substance. Building photography skills is no different. You can save yourself years of expensive mistakes and frustration by taking a comprehensive course on digital photography.
The workshop will cover everything you need to know to build a solid base for your path as a photographer. The digital era has brought new levels of photographic control to photographers. However, there is more than ever to know about digital capture, processing and printing. By the end of this course you will be able to capture high quality images, process them using the latest tools, and print them on some of the finest printers available today. Please download our detailed schedule for a full list of topics to be covered. The Digital Process and Print Workshops are held during the Spring and Autumn and are an excellent accompaniment to one of our international photography expeditions run in partnership with the world famous International Mountain Guides.
Some highlights are:
•Digital Exposure (In-camera and w/ Light Meter) and White Balance
•Depth of Field and Shutter Speed
•How shape, light, composition, shadows and color impact your photography.
•Zone System for color
•RAW Vs. JPEG, Discuss Black and White
•Print Optimization
•Color Management
•Image Processing
•Printer and Paper Profiling
•Strobe and Continuous Lighting
Please visit for more information.